Tape and Twine
Canvas Prints

The canvas material itself is thicker and more robust, minimizing the risk of accidental tearing or cutting. Additionally, gallery-wrapped canvas prints provide an extra layer of durability due to their wooden frame, which adds structural support and further safeguards against damage. With their enhanced durability, canvas prints ensure that your artwork or photographs can be enjoyed for a longer period, preserving their beauty and quality over time.

Each canvas comes with a complimentary hanging accessory kit, making it easy to display your artwork in just a few simple steps. Upgrade your decor and immortalize your favorite memories with our high-quality stretched canvas wraps today.

Please be advised that selecting the Gallery Wrap 1.5" option with the "fold" edge will necessitate a 1.75" bleed on all sides. For instance, if you are submitting artwork for a 12" x 12" Gallery Canvas Wrap (1.5"), the recommended artwork size should be 15.5" x 15.5" to accommodate the additional bleed allowance.


Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.

Price Calculator

Total : $52.50
Estimated Total : $52.50