Tape and Twine
Big Heads

Big Heads

Want to highlight and celebrate your student, friend or co-worker? Big heads are the perfect way to have a little fun and honor your special someone.

Graduation Package - Marching Band

Graduation Package - Marching Band

This package is the perfect way to celebrate your graduate!

Graduation Package - Megaphone

Graduation Package - Megaphone

This package is the perfect way to celebrate your graduate!

Graduation Package - Microphone

Graduation Package - Microphone

This package is the perfect way to celebrate your graduate!

Invitations (with envelopes)

Invitations (with envelopes)

Printed invitations have a lasting impact and serve as a gentle reminder for your guests to attend your event.

Large Format Poster

Large Format Poster

8 mil Poly Stay Flat Banners are the perfect way to grab attention.  The matierial is water proof.  Perfect for indoor or outdoor.  Often used as poster paper.

Poster on Foam Board

Poster on Foam Board

Want to highlight a poster?  Place your poster on foam board.

Senior Poster

Senior Poster

Want to highlight and celebrate your senior? Let us make your poster and take the stress off your plate. 

Vinyl Banners

Vinyl Banners

Vinyl Banners are the perfect way to grab attention for your event or business.  They are meant to withstand the elements outside or inside. 

Yard Sign

Yard Sign

Yard signs serve multiple purposes, from creating general brand awareness in your community to promoting specific events like open houses or new customer promotions.